Discover the wines of Château La Varière.
Every month, we offer you the chance to explore one or more cuvées, created at Monmousseau or from other fine Loire estates. An opportunity to discover new terroirs, grape varieties, and appellations!
During the month of February, our team will introduce you to and let you taste the wines of Château La Varière.
“Château La Varière is one of the most renowned estates in Anjou, with roots dating back to the 15th century. Its vast vineyard spans 150 hectares. The main grape varieties are Cabernet Franc (42%), Cabernet Sauvignon (20%), and Chenin (23%). Most of the Protected Designation of Origin wines are produced here: Anjou Rouge, Anjou-Villages Brissac, Anjou Blanc, Coteaux de l’Aubance, Coteaux du Layon, Bonnezeaux, and Quarts de Chaume Grand Cru.”
For this occasion, enjoy a 10% discount throughout February when you purchase 2 boxes or more of Château La Varière wines in our shop.
For more information: 02 54 32 35 15